Join Windermere

What does it mean to become a member of Windermere Pool? Our membership handbook outlines all our pool has to offer as well as our polices and procedures. Click below to learn all the benefits of membership!

Fees and Payment

One Time Assessment Fee $500 (Can be split up over first two years for $250 + what type of Membership you will need)

Family Membership $550 + 38.50 tax = $588.50

Couple Membership $450 + 31.50 tax = $481.50

Single Membership $370 + 25.90 tax = $395.90

Please text or call Kara Thomas, President at 304-421-1580 with any questions regarding membership or message us on our Facebook page.

You can pay your dues by clinking the link below or using the QR code.

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about joining the pool and if they join you get a free shelter rental!